Ashley Feltham School of Dance - News

Fall Registration 2024-2025

Fall registration will open for returning students on August 14th and for new students on August 15th.
All registration will be accepted through our online registration system. The link to our online system is posted below. If you are a returning student you can log into your already existing account in Jackrabbit.

The fall 2024-2025 schedule has now been posted!

Please note classes are subject to change pending enrolment.

Stay tuned for updates!

First Day of Classes

We will open for the fall season on Monday September 9th! We are looking forward to dancing with you!


This Portal will give you access to choose your classes, view/make payment, edit your details etc. a short video is provided in the portal for those who need a little extra help with the process. Once you have chosen your classes, you can add them to the cart and check out by making a payment with your credit card. You will receive a confirmation email.

If you encounter any difficulty with the registration process please Email :

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